Reasons Why You Need a Healing Landscape Design for Your Hospital

outdoor area of a hospital

If you own a hospital or are in charge of the landscape maintenance for a hospital, you should consider some of the following things to ensure you have an outdoor space that promotes healing and tranquility.

Benefit Employees

Hospital employees work one of the most stressful jobs because of the constant exposure to sick or dying patients. As a result, your hospital workers need a place where they can recharge and decompress from their everyday stress. A therapeutic landscape design can be a beautiful place for them to escape, enjoy lunch, or have some peace and quiet for a break.

Help Heal Patients

Hospitals are usually not places where people want to be, unless it’s for a birth of a new baby, so you will want to make sure the area patients and their families see are immaculate. With a gorgeous landscape design, you can promote the feeling of healing and serenity that will help patients and their families relax and have respite from the stressful environment inside the hospital. Another reason to have a therapeutic landscape design is the numerous studies that show gardens can help heal people. It can give patients something beautiful to look through the window or walk around to get fresh air and sunlight. No one wants to be stuck in their hospital beds and it can be worse if there’s only a brick wall to look at.


For creative landscape design or any other commercial landscape services in Atlanta, Georgia, please contact the experts at LMS Atlanta by calling (770) 939-6450 or fill out our form on the Contact page.